Why Group?
People hurt people and no one escapes unscathed. Period.
As alone as we FEEL in our paiN, we do not have to BE alone iN our pain.
Therapy in general (individual & group) offers a unique opportunity to share your pain with someone else.
Metaphorically speaking, if your life were a football game, individual talk therapy would offer you an opportunity to review the game tape of your life, to observe and explore what went wrong, who was there, & how can things could be different next time.
Group therapy offers you an additional opportunity to walk back on to the field after watching the tape and practice something new, in real time, alongside others who are also hungry for a different outcome.
The VALUE of participation in group therapy is the opportunity to:
realize there are others who share your struggles or understand what you are going through
practice the very relational issues you struggle with in everyday life with others seeking to address their own struggles and issues
give and receive real time, honest and direct feedback that increases your emotional capacity for intimacy with others in the group and in meaningful relationships outside of group (family, friends, and work)
experience authentic relationship in the context of confidentiality and caring
unravel and address spoken and unspoken relational family ‘rules of engagement’ that influence how you relate to others
recover the deep and good parts of yourself that have been lost or dampened by life happening
This list above is only a part of the benefits that members gain from participating in a group. To find out for yourself, join a group.